Milliken Hand Rehabilitation Center

New Year Exercise Safety Tips

A new year is here and its’ time to include exercise and a new mindset for more focus on your health and wellness. Along with this an internal push to return to the gym and/or working out.

Here are a few tips and tricks to help make your New Year exercise routine successful and to avoid injury or irritation to the wrist and or thumb…

  • Warm the body up: Stretch before any exercise routine and this includes lower and upper body muscles.
  • Utilized larger handled: Build up handles on weights or weight machines can help put the hand in a more relaxed position for protection of the fingers and thumb.
  • Weight Machines: Weight machines can be a better place to start with lifting and building muscle vs using free weights. The weight machine usually has larger grips and are on a gliding mechanism which helps to avoid any odd torque of the hand/wrist during the exercise.
  • Yoga Mat: Use a yoga mat with any weight-bearing activities (planks or push-ups) to avoid too much pressure on the thumbs and wrist. You can even double up the mat to help to create a soft cushion for the joints.
  • Cooldown the body: Stretching after exercises is also important to help increase flexibility and release muscle tension after your work out.
  • Hydrate: Drink plenty of water and avoid any types of caffeine. Fuel the body with good healthy foods.

Good luck and enjoy the new healthy you in a safe way.

If you do happen to sustain an injury while exercising or during everyday activity, the Milliken Hand Rehabilitation Center team is here to help you Regain Your Grip After Injury!