Stop and Smell The Roses


Spring is in the air and summer is quickly approaching which means you might want to get out and smell the roses, do some yard work or start that spring garden. It also means taking extra measures to protect your body to avoid tendonitis type of injuries, cuts/abrasions and arthritis flare ups. Overuse injuries or […]

Incorporating exercise safely

Physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for yourself both mentally and physically.  The New Year brings thoughts of New Year’s resolutions and goals. Many times those goals revolve around healthy living and a fresh start to the new year. So even if you are a newbie to the exercise […]

Why See A Certified Hand Therapist (CHT)

Certified Hand Therapist

You may ask yourself why is my physician referring me to see a hand and upper extremity specialist for my arm injury or problem? To answer that question, a Certified Hand Therapist is a specialist in the field of either Occupational or Physical Therapy that has undergone additional training and testing to earn the designation […]

New Year Exercise Safety Tips

Woman stretching before exercising

A new year is here and its’ time to include exercise and a new mindset for more focus on your health and wellness. Along with this an internal push to return to the gym and/or working out. Here are a few tips and tricks to help make your New Year exercise routine successful and to […]

Tips For Working From Home During a Pandemic

Home Office Recommendations

Tips for working from home during a pandemic Many of us find ourselves in uncharted territory these days; may it be working from home, homeschooling our children, increased electronic device time, or a more sedentary lifestyle. At this point, we have been working from our home in makeshift work stations for quite some time.  We […]