June 5 – 11th, our Milliken Hand Rehabilitation Team participated in activities and challenges celebrating the annual Hand Therapy Week led by the American Society of Hand Therapists. Some of the unique ways that we were able to highlight our talented team was by showcasing creative and easy to implement exercises, “unconventional interventions”, and testing the splint making skills of a few team members while blind-folded!
- Monday (6/5): Show Us Your Drawers — Take a photo/video of your clinic or office’s busiest drawers to show off your tools, hand-related tchotchkes, ASHT swag, resources, etc.
- Tuesday (6/6): Seeking Exceptional Exercises — We know hand and upper extremity therapists take great pride in being creative! Share a photo or brief video of a creative treatment exercise and include a description of the purpose/intent.
- Wednesday (6/7): Unconventional Interventions — Show off adaptive equipment you’ve modified or created to meet the specific needs of one of your patients. What creative uses for wraps, thermoplastic, etc. have you made?
- Thursday (6/8): It’s Back! The Blindfold Fabrication Challenge! — We are a specialty with a unique skill set. Have you ever said, “I can do that blindfolded!”? Prove it! Show us the final product or video the process of (safely) performing any hand/upper extremity therapy skills on a colleague, but without the use of your eyes. This could be anything from MMT, orthosis fabrication, palpation of prominences or provocative testing of the arm of standardized tests.
- Friday (6/9): Name that Tool — Share a photo of a go-to tool you use in the clinic and see if others can guess why/how it’s used!