OT Clinical Services

Your Kid Needs a Brain Break

After the school year that our kids just went through, their brains are fried. Isn’t yours? Especially for our children with learning needs, this year’s virtual learning environment presented huge challenges. We are multisensory beings in a vibrant environment, and we learn through all of our senses. Online school only gives our children visual and auditory information, which can dull our senses, lead to boredom, and create difficulty fully exploring new concepts and ideas. Our attention, task monitoring, problem-solving, and planning are all dulled by this monotonous routine. Let’s go have fun at summer camp!

Thankfully, Washington University Occupational Therapy is offering an in-person option for learning fun. Train Your Brain (TYB) summer camp is back to support children’s executive functioning skills through hands-on games and motivating projects. Following COVID-19 safe protocols with fully vaccinated staff, TYB will offer hands-on activities that stimulate your child’s mind in multisensory ways.

This year, camp will feature egg drop activities in which campers must build contraptions to protect a raw egg from falling 10+ feet. They will set goals, plan, problem-solve, manage time, and edit their work to make a successful egg protector. Children and teens ages 9-16 are eligible to join in the fun. So if your child’s executive functions are dulled from online learning, consider Train Your Brain to sharpen their cognitive skills this summer. Learn more about our camp and register here!