Occupational Performance Center

Please call (314) 286-1669 Opt. #1 to schedule an appointment.
The Occupational Performance Center (OPC) is a work assessment and rehabilitation program that is unlike any others in the St. Louis area. Here, our team works with adolescents and adults of all ages to assess their “readiness” to return to work, school or community life following an injury or diagnosis. By gaining a deep understanding of the person’s abilities and matching them with their current role(s) and/or future goal(s), our team helps clients engage meaningfully in life, whether it’s through employment, school, work or volunteer roles in the community.
Our clinicians partner with patients to identify opportunities that will best fit their abilities and needs. These services may include:
- Identifying modifications or accommodations needed for return/transition to work, school or volunteer roles
- Helping patients find ways to manage chronic or progressive conditions while engaged in meaningful roles and meeting performance goals
- Exploring possible options for people in need of a new role
- Evaluating assistive technology and equipment needs
- Meeting with employers and/or leaders to facilitate discussions regarding performance expectations
- Offering assistance in navigating insurance, disability, and Social Security claims
- Helping patients transition to disability status or a productive retirement role.
- Concussion Recovery Services at the Occupational Performance Center (OPC)
Whether it’s returning to a current role, finding alternative paid work, returning to school/vocational training or beginning a volunteer role in the community, we can help you or your loved one prepare for that next step, wherever it may lead.
Please call (314) 286-1669 Opt. #1 to schedule an appointment.