COVID-19 Recovery & Rehabilitation

COVID-19 Recovery Telehealth

Please call (314) 286-1669 or email to schedule an appointment.

Occupational therapy’s goal is to help patients utilize their strengths, maximize their potential, and counteract their limitations to help them meet their goals. As we continue to see rising numbers of COVID-19 cases, our team is here to work with patients recovering from the physical and emotional challenges patients may be facing from the virus.

As we have moved through phases of the pandemic we have partnered with our Physician colleagues to help patients who have dealt with short and long-term cases of COVID-19.  Each case is different and our treatment plans are specialized to help address the healthcare goals of each patient.  Below are treatment areas that your Occupational Therapist may include in your treatment plan:

  • Activity Planning & Modification- Plan your activities for the week with the goal of pacing yourself, considering which activities lead to significant, some, and minimal/no symptoms. Gradually, you can increase the amount of time you are doing activities and decrease your rest and recovery time.
  • Cognitive Concerns – Make note of any cognitive/thinking concerns that have happened between your visits. Record what was happening in the situation and what you could do to avoid similar changes in the future.
  • Education
    • Relaxation / Stress Management
    • Energy conservation – Between now and your next OT appointment, think of at least one new strategy you would like to incorporate into your daily routine to conserve energy. (You will discuss these strategy options when visits begin in your COVID-19 Resource packet)
  •  Mental Fatigue Reduction
  • Tips & strategies for Mindfulness

More website resources related to COVID-19 Recovery.

Schedule An Appointment:

Please call (314) 286-1669 to schedule an appointment.

Physician Referral Instructions:

For Physicians

Access MyChart:
