Weight-Loss Habit Development & Coaching Services

Please call (314) 286-1669 Opt. #1 to schedule an appointment.
According to the CDC, 41.9% of the U.S. population is obese and according to the City of St. Louis Department of Health 61% of the St. Louis population is obese and 66% of the Missouri population is obese.
There is strong evidence that supports intensive lifestyle interventions for clinically significant weight loss, and lifestyle interventions have shown to be more effective at managing weight loss even 1 year later than the standard care (Nielsen et. al, 2018). Occupational therapists provide interventions such as behavior modification, exploring and engaging in physical activity, and modifying daily activities and occupations (Mosley, Jedlicka, Lequieu, & Taylor, 2008).
Bariatric procedures can also significantly impact occupations after surgery and require behavior modification for long-term success (Kanerva et al, 2017). Rehabilitation after surgery (bariatric or otherwise) may include increasing physical activity, problem-solving daily tasks, addressing ADLs and IADLs, doing environmental modifications, and increasing engagement in occupation
After an initial assessment, the weight-loss program provides a client specific occupation-based approach addressing the following:
· Fall prevention strategies
· Medication Management
· Incorporating Physical Activity into daily routine
· Healthy eating habits and routines
· Energy conservation principles
· Sleep preparation and participation techniques
· Coping strategies
· Social Support
Occupational therapists possess key skills that help to promote health and to establish persistent lifestyle changes through participation in activities of choice, prevention of occupational deprivation, and increase in the perceived quality of life.
If you think you might benefit from occupational therapy, talk to your physician and ask for a referral. Upon receipt of your referral, someone from the occupational therapy program will call you to set up an appointment at a time that is convenient for you. If you or your physician would like to learn more about Washington University’s Occupational Therapy Services, please contact our office at (314) 286-1669, or see our services at otservices.wustl.edu.
Please call (314) 286-1669 Opt. #1 to schedule an appointment.